Danger, Will Robinson! ALEC Owns Ohio!


“Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!” is a catchphrase from a popular science fiction television series from the 1960s called “Lost in Space.” The Model B-9 Robot waved its arms wildly and said this to Will Robinson to warn the young boy of a perilous hazard. In today’s culture, one might use the phrase to warn people who seem to be ignoring a menacing threat.

Low voter turnout granted Governor John Kasich and GOP legislators four more years to promote the greedy agenda of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), so Ohio citizens must remain on guard concerning what’s happening at the Statehouse. A component of the Republican strategy has been to introduce so much ALEC legislation at one time that progressive activists are drained physically, emotionally, and financially.

Ohioans must never ignore the menacing threat of an ALEC-controlled legislature and its governor.

Kasich patted himself on the back for getting a drastic state budget passed during his first term at the same time as people were busy working to repeal another extreme initiative- Senate Bill 5.

“I just know the reforms in that budget were dramatic reforms that Ohioans hadn’t seen in probably 100 years. So probably people’s focus was somewhere else. I think there’s only so much energy to go around,” crowed Kasich.

Emboldened by November’s election results across the country, ALEC laid out this legislative blueprint for 2015: http://www.prwatch.org/news/2014/11/12666/alec-buoyed-election-results-lays-blueprint-2015

ALEC’s 2015 Dirty Dozen:

*Killing regulations of electronic cigarettes

*Protesting global tobacco taxes

*Promoting job-killing trade deals

*Opposing regulation of ride-sharing economy

*Lowering training standards for dental workers

*Rigging claims appeal process to benefit insurers

*Blocking local minimum wage increases

*Promoting local Right-to-Work laws

*Preventing paid sick time for hourly workers

*Depriving low-wage workers of health insurance

*Banning local union organizing

*Pushing more to privatize public schools

Since ALEC owns the Ohio Legislature, as well as Gov. Kasich, be on the lookout for any of these initiatives that are unpopular and unfair to both Democrats and Republicans. Write letters-to-editors voicing concerns, and send them to every newspaper in the state. Continue to contact legislators, even though it appears that they are no longer listening to their constituents. Spread the word about ALEC and its legislation to family, friends, and social media contacts.

Wave your arms wildly and shout to expose ALEC to others.

“Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!”


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